June 30, 2020
Dear St. Francis Faith Family,
It seems unreal that this weekend will be our fourth after our church was reopened for public worship. I would like to thank everyone who has worked to make our celebrations safe and all who have come to Mass; you have adjusted to this new circumstance well. We will continue to go forward with faith, hope, love and patience. As we look forward, we are waiting to hear about dates for the celebration of Confirmation; as soon as this information is available we will let you know.
As we celebrate this 4th of July and recall our nation’s birth it seems important that we pause and look at what has been happening recently. We remember that our greatness is that we are “One nation under God, with liberty and justice for all”. When we fall short of that truth we need to acknowledge our shortcomings and work to correct them; but we also must never forget who we are as a nation and as a people of faith. Jesus reminds us this weekend that we should come to Him with our needs and burdens and He will refresh us. Our faith reminds us that violence is never the answer; the answer lies in acknowledging that we are all created in God’s Divine image and that we are redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, and only Jesus Christ, can fulfill the deepest needs of our heart as the Prince of Peace; He alone can give true and lasting peace. The Great Commandment still is true: “You must love the Lord, your God, with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself.”
Happy Birthday America!
Please visit our website under announcements to view a statement from Bishop Lucia dated 5/31/20 and a letter from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops called “Open Wide Our Hearts-the Enduring Call to Love”.
God Bless you all,
Fr. Dan
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June 29, 2020
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June 22, 2020
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June 10, 2020
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June 3, 2020
To our St. Francis Xavier Parish family:
Thank you all for your patience and prayers as we work through how to safely open our parish for public Masses again. To date we can still only have 10 people at any one Mass (we are hoping and praying that this will change soon). We will try to resume public Masses June 13 & 14. As we move forward, we will introduce our sign up system and review detailed safety measures. This information will be shared on the website, Facebook, group email and a letter will be mailed.
This weekend, you will still be able to view weekend Mass on our Facebook page or through the link on our website under events.
Please continue to pray for an end to this pandemic and for this parish.
God bless,
Fr. Dan
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June 1, 2020
There have been reports from parishioners across our diocese who have received phone calls, emails and texts from individuals claiming to be their pastor. The latest today was from a (518) area code asking for iTunes gift cards. Usually the content of the message will include some form of request for money that is outside of the normal channels of giving, for example electronic gift cards for amazon or iTunes. These messages usually include some sense of urgency and may span over several emails, beginning with an inquiry like “Hi are you available? I have a quick request.” Some of these fraudulent attempts have gone so far as to create email accounts which look very much like an official address. Please be aware that neither our parish nor father will ever reach out to you directly via email text or social media for direct solicitation of gift cards, wire transfers or other electronic monetary transactions. If you suspect you may have received a fraudulent request, or would like to confirm the genuineness of a message, please contact our parish office (315) 673-2531. To report a fraudulent request please forward the message to: stop-fraud@syrdio.org
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June 1, 2020
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