Are you hungry for more? Do you see your life ticking away and you feel you have missed something? Do you know life is more than sleep, eat, work, play, but you can’t seem to get a grasp of the elusive why am I here? Perhaps the RCIA process is for you.

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process developed so inquirers can become Catholics at their own pace of comfort and understanding. This process is for adults and any children who have reached catechetical age (usually seven years or older). The participants are fully initiated into the Catholic faith community. Participants, when ready, receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation.

It is for those who may have been baptized Catholic but were never really taught about religion for many different reasons.

It is for those who may have been baptized in a different denominational church but the church is not meeting your needs and spiritual life. It is for those who were never baptized but are thinking maybe they should be to fill a bothersome void.

If this might be you, please call the rectory (673-2531) and leave your name and phone number. Someone will get back to you.