Today's Message

We are committed to fostering spiritual growth and to responding to the human needs of both our faith community and the larger community by sharing our gifts and resources.



Thank you to all who came to the parish picnic. Even though it rained, hopefully everyone had a good time and plenty of good food to eat (especially the LARGE cookies). It is always good when our parish family can come together for fellowship and socializing. A special thank you to the Grabowski’s for the great food and drinks!!

Ecumenical Vacation Bible School at Orenda Springs

3 – 18

Date: August 16th
Time:  9AM – 1PM
Location: Orenda Springs: 4939 Lawless Road, Marcellus, NY 13108
Fee: $45/person: First 40 registrants have a reduced price of $15 per child. Adult Chaperones are free.This is a one day, ecumenical VBS and Summer Retreat for all ages!Participants young and old will get together for a day to explore teamwork and solving problems with each other while learning there is always somewhere to go and someone to talk to!

Participants will share their gifts from God, relying on their strengths to help others and valuing their friends’ gifts as they accomplish goals through dividing responsibilities, taking turns brainstorming, listening, and providing compassion and care while we realize we are all God’s children!

Questions? Contact Melody Wade at

Please note that VBS operates independently of the Diocese of Syracuse and is therefore not subject to its Diocesan Child and Youth Protection Policy or Code of Conduct.

See More Announcements


A Note from Fr. Dan about St. Peregrine

This past week I was on retreat, and while praying for the parish it came to me that many are suffering from cancer.  Did you know that we have a Saint to whom we can pray specifically for intercession for cancer patients?  He is St. Peregrine, and here is his story.

The Rebel Who Became a Saint

I found a statue of St. Peregrine which I purchased and blessed along with a book of Catholic Novenas with the novena in honor of St. Peregrine in it.  If any one or any family would like to take the statue and Novena to their home and pray that novena for themselves, a loved one or a friend; please contact the rectory.  All that I ask is that you bring the statue and novena back to the rectory after your nine days so that others might have the opportunity to take part in this prayer.

God Bless, Fr. Dan

See More Reflections