Today's Message

We are committed to fostering spiritual growth and to responding to the human needs of both our faith community and the larger community by sharing our gifts and resources.


St. Peregrine

From Fr. Dan:  I was on retreat, and while praying for the parish it came to me that many are suffering from cancer.  Did you know that we have a Saint to whom we can pray specifically for intercession for cancer patients?  He is St. Peregrine, and here is his story.

The Rebel Who Became a Saint

I found a statue of St. Peregrine which I purchased and blessed along with a book of Catholic Novenas with the novena in honor of St. Peregrine in it.  If any one or any family would like to take the statue and Novena to their home and pray that novena for themselves, a loved one or a friend; please contact the rectory.  All that I ask is that you bring the statue and novena back to the rectory after your nine days so that others might have the opportunity to take part in this prayer.

God Bless, Fr. Dan

The Pastoral Letter from Bishop Lucia: “With Liberty and Justice for All”

Bishop Lucia’s 1st letter is to the Diocesan Family about immigration.
Bishop Lucia’s 2nd letter is the pastoral letter entitled With Liberty and Justice for All addressing the issues of immigration and public policy.
Bishop Lucia also offers the following links for further resources:

See More Announcements


A Note from Fr. Dan

Spiritual Checkup

Dear Parish Family,

Most of us take time to get our annual physical; dental checkups and cleanings, and eye exams; I thought that this would be an appropriate time to focus on our Spiritual Life,with a Spiritual Check up.

Lent and Advent are the ‘usual’ times that we focus specifically on our Spiritual Lives, but when these are over, the passing of time and the business of life can get in the way of our prayer resolutions and time for our spiritual life.

Some questions for individual consideration:

Do I pray daily:  not just when I need or want something, or in a time of crisis, but do I take the time every day to praise God and thank Him for the many gifts and blessings He has given to me?

Do I regularly celebrate the Sacraments:  Mass every Sunday and Holy and regular Confession (If I can’t recall the last time I went to Confession, then it has been too long)

Do I use my gifts and talents to help the Parish Family and those less fortunate than I?

Some questions for families:

Do we, as a family, pray together?  Say grace before meals?  Do my children see me pray, or know that I do pray?

Do we make it a priority to go to Mass together, go to Confession together, pray together before the children, and when we go to bed for the night?

Come to Adoration and/or Benediction as a family?

Have we considered praying the Rosary together as a family?

Maybe read a passage of Scripture daily and discuss it as a family?

Talked together about Mass and the homily?

Some questions about our environment:

Would someone entering my house know that it is a Catholic household?

Do we have a Crucefix prominently displayed?

Pictures of the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart?

Statue of  our and our children’s patron saint?

Do we own and use a Catholic Bible?


These are just a few suggestions that I offer to help us, our families and our parish stay truly connected to our Catholic faith in the midst of so much turmoil, secularism and anti-religious bias.

God Bless, Fr. Dan

See More Reflections