Today's Message

We are committed to fostering spiritual growth and to responding to the human needs of both our faith community and the larger community by sharing our gifts and resources.


Carlo Acutis International Exhibition June 8/9

Carlo Acutis International Exhibition of the Eucharistic Miracles of the World
“The digital world can expose you to the risk of self-absorption and isolation. But there are young people even there who show creativity and even genius. Like Carlo” -Pope Francis
Part of Carlo’s Eucharistic Miracles Exhibition will be here at St. Francis Xavier on the weekend of June 8/9 following the Masses. Come and See!!

Golf Tournament!!

2024 3rd Annual Father Mike Donovan Scholarship Golf Tournament
Sunday, July 7th @ 1pm

Sign up with this form!  Or use the QR code on the signs outside our Church!
Not a golfer? Come anyway and enjoy 18 holes of golf, riding around in a cart and prizes! You are welcome to attend dinner afterwards or purchase a tee-sponsorship. We also need lending hands to make specialty baskets, set up, serve dinner or clean up afterwards. Any monetary donations are welcome for this great cause. Thank you for supporting the youth of our parish community in any way possible!
*Look for signs outside our Church for more information and details.

See More Announcements


A Note from Father Dan

The Power of Prayer

Dear Parish Family,
Each weekend at Mass in the prayers of the faithful we remember the prayers in our ‘Book of Intentions,’ and ‘Memorial Book’ and last week prayer cards for the sick were available. You may have noticed in front of the altar a box marked: “prayer intentions”; these are from the weekend of the Eucharistic Miracle presentation and the Blessed Carlos Acutis exhibit. I plan to leave this box in front of the altar until the beginning of Advent so that our parishioners (in fact anyone who wishes) may write a prayer intention and place it in the box.:. There is a group who gather every Thursday to pray the Rosary, and every First Friday people have the opportunity to spend an hour with the Lord in adoration. Our prayers aren’t simply what we do by rote, we do believe in the power of prayer and that as Jesus tells us: “If two or three of agree on earth to pray for anything it will be granted to you by My Father in Heaven.” Of course prayer is not magic, nor are our prayers magic incantations, yes, our heavenly Father answers our prayers, but not always in the way that we want. Sometimes, like any good parent, the answer must be ‘no’ for our own spiritual and even physical good. The most powerful prayer is the Eucharist, where we join with our Eucharistic Lord in offering up all to the Father in the power of the Holy Spirit. Someone once said: “Act like everything depends on you; pray because everything depends on God.” There is no vacation from prayer.
God Bless: Fr. Dan

See More Reflections