A Note from Fr. Dan
How do I see God?
Dear Parish Family,
From time to time I think that it is good to step back and reflect on my image of God. Do I view God as that innocent baby who was born in Bethlehem? Do I view God as a stern judge, just waiting for me to mess up so that He can punish me? Do I see God as far off, distant and aloof, who I cannot approach unless I am groveling and fearful? None of these are how God has revealed Himself to us. Yes, He was born as an infant, grew in wisdom and grace, suffered, died and rose so that we may be forgiven and experience His Kingdom. Yes He is majestic, all-powerful and all knowing, creator of Heaven and earth. Yes God gives us His grace and His life. Yes God will come again to judge the living and the dead. Yes, God is perfectly just and perfectly merciful. But most importantly and significantly, God has revealed Himself as a loving parent who, at times out of love, must correct His children (as does any good parent.) In fact Jesus reveals God, and uses this term to describe God, more than any other: God is love. This does not mean that God will allow anything, this is not love, it is apathy. It does not mean that God is waiting for us to sin; this would be vindictive. God actively seeks us out, invites us to allow Him to enter into our lives, wants to have a relationship with us and is ready to forgive when we sin. Remember Scripture tells us that : “Though your sins be red as scarlet, I will make them white as snow,” and aging, “A humble, contrite heart, I will not spurn.” We should stop trying to make God into an image that we want, or think that we or others deserve. Rather, we should embrace the gift of our loving God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit who want nothing less for us than to spend Eternity in a loving relationship with God, and our brothers and sisters in faith in His Kingdom.
God Bless, Fr. Dan