A Note from Fr. Dan
Lent: a Season of HOPE & JOY
Dear Parish Family,
Most people view Lent as a penitential season, which it is, but it is so much more! It is not just about ‘giving up something’ or ‘sacrificing something’, it is about growing in our honesty with ourselves and deepening our relationship with God and the Church. As we move through this season we should be filled with a great joy and hope. Joy that our God offers to us: the gift of true freedom and unconditional love. Hope, that in Jesus our sins can be forgiven, and we can be restored to our Baptismal dignity of being a daughter or son of God. When we are at Mass and the consecrated Host is elevated, the priest proclaims: “Behold the Lamb of God, behold Him who takes away the sins of the world. Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb.” What a great gift, what a great joy, what inextinguishable hope. Look at and gaze upon the Eucharistic Lord, do not hide your face from Him or look down or away. Jesus Christ is present and wants you to have a deeper relationship with Him. He wants you to experience that great joy and hope of His gift of sacrificial love for you. Certainly, you and I are not worthy to have Jesus come to us, no one is yet the Mass continues: “… but only say the word and my soul will be healed.” What could be a greater joy? What could fill the human heart and soul with greater hope. Celebrate Lent, this great penitential season that ends with the victory of Jesus Christ over sin and death; a victory the He invites all of us to share.
God Bless, Fr. Dan