A Note from Fr. Dan
Let the Children Come…
Dear Parish Family,
As you can see, we had two Baptisms last week and we have five more scheduled before the beginning of June; Baptisms are a great joy and a sign that our parish is healthy and growing. Thank you to all you parents who bring your children to celebrate the Eucharist with us; they are a delight and joy and remind us of how wonderful a gift children really are.
There is a quote (and I don’t remember where it is from): “A parish that isn’t crying is dying” It is great to hear the children, even if they cry, wiggle, or walk around. Parents never be concerned that your child is making too much noise, or is a distraction: they ARE NOT. Children are supposed to be children. When the children see you at Mass, they will feel comfortable in Church; it is their parish home and we are their parish family.
To quote one of my favorite Scripture passages: “And the people were bringing children to him that he might touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this he became indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the Kingdom of God like a child will not enter it.” Then he embraced them, blessed them, placing his hands on them.” Mark 10: 13-15
God bless, Fr. Dan