Reflection from Fr. Dan – The Most Holy Trinity
Dear parish family,
The Feast of the Most Holy Trinity celebrates the central mystery of our Christian Faith: the very nature of God. We are monotheists, that is we believe that there is only One God; however we believe in the Trinity. This teaching is not that there are three gods, but that there is One God in Three Divine Persons; what we believe about God we can only profess because God has made Himself known through Scripture and Tradition. We profess the immanent Trinity; that is the dynamic relationship of loving that exists between and among the Three Divine Persons. We also profess the economic Trinity: the activity of God in history as God has made His activity known. The Father – The Creator, the Son (Jesus) – the Redeemer; and the Holy Spirit – the Sanctified. What we profess about One Dive Perso, we must also necessarily profess about all because there is no distinction, separation or partition in the very essence and nature of our One God. Ultimately, God is Mystery above and beyond our limited human capacity to know or understand. As St. Thomas Aquinas so aptly said: “Before the wonder that is our God, we must stand in wonderful, grateful silence before so great a loving mystery.”
God Bless, Fr. Dan