Veterans Day 2022
Each year we set aside a day to pay special tribute to the Veterans who have served us in the Military, and especially we recall those who were injured or gave their life so that we might enjoy our liberties. It was the 11th hour, of the 11th day of the 11th month that the guns of August went silent bringing an end to the hostilities that came to be called World War I. This was proclaimed to be the end of all wars because no one could fathom the horror of the destruction, maiming and loss of life that this war inflicted on so many would never be repeated. Yet, humankind did not learn the lesson of World War I, and in fact over the rest of the 20th century and into the 21st century there has been more and and greater carnage and violence as people still turn to violence and nations to war to resolve their differences. I would like to suggest that if we return to our God, honor His name, keep His commandments and embrace the dignity of each and every human person as a child of God and therefore our brother or sister we could go a long way to finally achieving that peace of which Jesus spoke and the Gospel proclaims; the peace that only Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace can give. May the peace of the Lord be always with you.
God Bless, Fr. Dan