Letter from Fr. Dan 8/29/20
Dear St. Francis Xavier family:
This past Saturday our parish celebrated First Holy Communion: this is always a great joy and blessing for our parish. As I was talking with the children about how this celebration was very different than those in the past, I shared with them something a child had told me; he said “The world is sick right now and we have to pray for it.” I was moved by the simple truth of this statement. Yes, our world is sick right now, not only from the Coronavirus but for all the violence, hatred, division and suspicion that is present. In the simple words of a child, “We have to pray for our world.” Pray for an end of the pandemic, but also for an end to all of the hatred, violence and suspicion. As Deacon John pointed in his homily, if we acknowledge Jesus as the Son of God and Savior of the world, if we are truly Christians, then we must support those who are working to keep us safe, work to overcome hatred and
division and, yes pray for those with whom we disagree.
Pray, not that they will necessarily change, but rather God may give us the grace to see them as He does, one of His children, created in His Divine image and likeness and redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Pray and work so that all children may have lives of love, joy, safety and peace; and do so with faith, hope, love, patience and a sense of humor. Thank God for the blessing and innocence of little children.
God Bless,
Fr. Dan