5th Sunday of Easter
Dear St. Francis Family,
This Sunday’s Gospel begins with Jesus saying to the disciples: Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me.” (John 14:1) We are being constantly reminded that we are in a difficult troubling time, and as true as that is, we are also a people of faith. Jesus was not just speaking of a later time and place, but also how we are to live our lives here and now. Certainly we are to be reasonable and prudent; using the good common sense that God gave us to take care of ourselves, our loved ones and those most vulnerable; but we are never to lose faith or hope. God is found in every act of kindness and compassion, every heroic act on the part of those who care for us and others; every smile and laugh: we are truly to have faith in our God.
God bless you and a happy and blessed Mother’s Day to all of our mothers, those still with us and those who have gone to the home prepared for them in our Lord Jesus’ Father’s house.
God bless,
Fr. Dan