April 25, 2024
Let the Children Come…
Dear Parish Family,
As you can see, we had two Baptisms last week and we have five more scheduled before the beginning of June; Baptisms are a great joy and a sign that our parish is healthy and growing. Thank you to all you parents who bring your children to celebrate the Eucharist with us; they are a delight and joy and remind us of how wonderful a gift children really are.
There is a quote (and I don’t remember where it is from): “A parish that isn’t crying is dying” It is great to hear the children, even if they cry, wiggle, or walk around. Parents never be concerned that your child is making too much noise, or is a distraction: they ARE NOT. Children are supposed to be children. When the children see you at Mass, they will feel comfortable in Church; it is their parish home and we are their parish family.
To quote one of my favorite Scripture passages: “And the people were bringing children to him that he might touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this he became indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the Kingdom of God like a child will not enter it.” Then he embraced them, blessed them, placing his hands on them.” Mark 10: 13-15
God bless, Fr. Dan
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April 25, 2024
Please check out the website of the NATIONAL EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS:
More than CONGRESS, there is information on REVIVAL and PILGRIMAGES.
Revival– Jesus calls us deeper!
Congress – First in 83 yrs!
July 17-21, 2024 at
Lucas Oil Stadium- Indianapolis, IN
Pilgrimages – May 17-July 16, 2024
Four Unique Routes!
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February 15, 2024
Help save lives in Syracuse by joining in prayer, fasting and peaceful vigil for an end to abortion. God is doing great things in Syracuse and calls us to be present at the Planned Parenthood abortion center to be a sign of Hope and a source of help to pregnant women in need! No experience is necessary, just a heart full of compassion for moms and their little ones. Call Jeanie 315.956.7772 or email syracuse40daysforlife@gmail.com with questions or to sign up for your hour of prayer!
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February 6, 2024
Webinar Recording:
“What’s Next for our Listening Church?”
This webinar was recorded live on November 3, 2023.
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February 1, 2024
Days of Abstinence: No meat can be eaten on Ash Wednesday and all of the Fridays during Lent. This applies to all Catholics 14 and older.
Days to Fast: Only one full meal is permitted on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday for Catholics between 18 and 59. Two smaller meals are permitted, but the small meals should not equal a second full meal. Drinking coffee, tea and water between meals is allowed. Snacks between meals are not allowed.
One is not bound to fast if health or the ability to work is affected.
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February 1, 2024
Spiritual Freedom
Dear parish family, Some of the best advice I ever received was from my wise, holy spiritual director when I was 25 years old. In one of our conversations he said to me: “Daniel, we have a Messiah, and you are not Him.” Perhaps you have heard the story of Pope John XII, who is supposed to have said at the end of a long day: Lord, I am tired and going to bed. It is Your Church, You take care of it until morning.” Another expression that you may have heard (I do not know from whom this came) “Tell the Lord all of your plans, then sit back quietly and listen to Him laugh.” None of these are meant to suggest that we should not plan and prepare and do the best that we can with the gifts and talents that God has given us; but they do remind us that ultimately God is in charge: God is the Creator, only God can redeem us; only God has total freedom and absolute knowledge. This Spiritual Freedom enables us to be truly free; to not be overly anxious or worried about what will be. God expects us to work with Him in the proclamation of His Kingdom, but it is His Kingdom, not ours. He has given us all that we need: Jesus, our Redeemer; the Holy Spirit to teach, help and sanctify us; the Scripture, the Church and Sacraments and a long history of wise and faithful people who remind us to trust God. Two of my favorite prayers that remind me to trust God are: “The Prayer of Abandonment”: by St. Charles de Foucauld and the ” Take Lord Receive Prayer” by St. Ignatius of Loyola. Of course there is St. Faustina’s brief exhortation “Jesus, I trust in You.” This sense of Spiritual Freedom is truly liberation and removes much of the burden of worry and anxiety. Try these prayers; offer all to God and surrender freely to His Divine will. Try it, you will like it. God Bless, Fr. Dan
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January 25, 2024
Christian Unity
Dear parish family,
This past week, January 18-25, was the week of prayer for Christian unity. Jesus Himself prayed for the unity of His Church: “that all may be one, as you, Father are in me, and I in you; I pray that they may be one is us, that the world may believe that you sent me” (Jn 17:21). This unity, although not yet fully achieved, is still the prayer of Jesus and His Church. In the Documents of Vatican II, “The Decree on Ecumenism” the Church reiterates the hope and work necessary for Christian unity. This is based in Scripture and calls for no judgments and open honest dialogue, and cooperation in carrying out the Christian ministry for the common good of humanity and calls for common prayer (where permitted). As Christians, we share one Baptism by water and the invocation of the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
In Marcellus, we have an Ecumenical committee, made up of members from the four Churches in our community: the United Methodist Church, The Presbyterian Church, St. John’s Episcopal Church and St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church. In addition to our joint prayer activities: Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, we have a Thanksgiving Celebration and work together on social issues such as the Ecumenical Food bank. The pastors of the Methodist, Presbyterian, and Catholic Churches meet regularly to assist one another in our ministries and promote open dialogue and Christian action. We, the pastors, are preparing a joint statement of the necessity of peace to promote the inherent dignity of human life. We continue to echo the Lord’s prayer that we may all be one and work together to achieve His goal. Please consider supporting the Ecumenical actives of the Marcellus community
God Bless, Fr. Dan
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January 4, 2024
New Year’s Resolutions
Dear Parish Family,
Do you want to be a Saint?
It has been less than one week and people are taking time to consider their New Year’s resolutions. Perhaps they are to be more healthy, lose weight, exercise more, get one’s financial house in order, work on relationships; whatever they may be. I would like to suggest that we all consider a New Year’s resolution to re-kindle, intensify or even begin a spiritual relationship with God and the Church. Consider setting aside a specific time each day for prayer, praying at the beginning of your day and/or at the end, praying the Rosary daily, using one of the many resources available of FORMED, saying grace each day as a family before meals, celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation (going to confession) on a regular basis (if you can’t remember that last time you went to confession it might be to long). Going to Mass on a regular basis, not just on Sunday but why not try one more day during the week. As our relationship with God strengthens, then we will see more opportunities to put our faith into practice, opportunities to share our faith, opportunities to help others. God wants you to be one, in fact that is why each of us was created; to be holy and live our lives according to the plan of God and the graces He gives us to enter into Eternal Life.
Happy New Year.
God Bless,
Fr. Dan
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December 27, 2023
“Gently used” coats and jackets may be donated for the needy after Mass on the weekends of January 13 and January 20.
The clothing items can be deposited in boxes left at the front and rear entrances of the church.
Thank You!
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December 27, 2023
Dear Parish Family,
Thank you! On behalf of Deacon John, myself and Honey, I would like to say thank you to all who were so generous with your cards, gifts and well wishes for Christmas; we truly appreciate this. Also, thank you for being such a wonderful parish family who truly care for one another and love the Lord and the Blessed Mother and are growing in faith, hope and love. It is an honor and privilege to minister to and with you. God Bless you and I pray for a holy, happy and blessed New Year. –Fr. Dan
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