Hope Appeal Weekend September 11 & 12, 2021
This weekend is HOPE Appeal Weekend! Together, when we pledge our gift to the Annual HOPE Appeal, we are giving thanks to Christ for the innumerable gifts we’ve been given and helping our friends and neighbors who benefit each year from the diocesan good works funded through our annual appeal.
Fr. Dan and Dc. John are asking all parishioners to contribute to this year’s HOPE Appeal. If we all give, we will easily meet St. Francis Xavier’s HOPE Appeal goal, which is our parish share of the support for HOPE Appeal-funded ministries, programs, and services. If we exceed our target, 100 percent of the excess will be returned directly to our parish. However, if we do not meet this goal, the shortfall will be taken from our general fund.
Thank you to everyone returning their HOPE Appeal pledge card this weekend! If you are still prayerfully considering your HOPE pledge, you may bring your completed pledge card to Mass next weekend or drop it by the parish office. You may also pledge your gift to our parish’s campaign online at www.syrdio.org.