December 15, 2021
Merry Christmas
I was wondering what difference does it make if we greet one another with Merry Christmas or Happy Holiday or Seasons Greetings.? I went to the Merriman-Webster for some definitions. Christmas is a combination of the two words: Christ + Mass; Holiday is derived from the phrase ‘Holy Day’ – a religious feast day. What we are, as Christians, are celebrating on December 25 is not a social or generic event. It is a very specific Holy Day, the Nativity of our Lord Jesus in time; the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas is truly a holy day that we celebrate with the Mass, the prayer by which we united ourselves with Jesus in the Holy Spirit in giving thanks to the Father. The primary sacrament of our Catholic Faith in which we encounter our God in the community, in the Word and in a special and unique way in the Sacrament of Jesus’ Body and Blood. There is no other season quite like it and there is no other holiday like it. It is not a celebration of a generic season or generic holiday; it is truly a Holy Day. I encourage all to greet one another with the deeply religious greeting: Merry Christmas!
God Bless,
Fr. Dan
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October 19, 2021
The Marcellus Ecumenical Food Pantry is offering Thanksgiving and Christmas Food Baskets. All eligible people are welcome to sign up.
General Information about the Food Pantry:
Location: First Presbyterian Church, corner of E Main and North St. The door is on the North St. side.
Hours: Every Tuesday 10:30-noon, and the LAST Tuesday of the month, 6:30-7:30pm.
Guidelines: Resident of Marcellus school district, financial eligibility or needs food! If a person needs food and is unable to get here, a friend may be authorized for pickup.
If you have any questions, contact Sue March or Maureen Germain through the First Presbyterian Church by leaving a message at (315) 673-2201.
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October 7, 2021
The safety and well-being of our parishioners is our top priority during our liturgies so that people may be fed the Bread of Life. Our first consideration must continue to be for the spiritual and physical health of our parishioners. We continue to follow the guidance from the Syracuse Diocese for our safety protocols and our church is cleaned regularly. Please remember that Bishop Lucia is encouraging everyone to wear a mask.
For your information: There was a parishioner who attended Mass last weekend (October 23 & 24) that tested positive for the virus.
To view the latest protocols, please visit our website: www.sfxmarcellus.com under announcements
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September 30, 2021
The Seven Sacraments
Among the gifts our God has given to us are the Seven Sacraments. A Sacrament is an outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace, an experience of the Risen Lord, Jesus. A Sacrament is a participation in the life of God in our lives. We usually categorize the Sacraments into three groups: those of Initiation; those of Healing; and those of Mission/Commission. The Sacraments of Initiation are Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. Those of Healing are Eucharist, Penance and Anointing. Those of Mission/Commission are Eucharist, Matrimony and Holy Orders. Over the next few weeks, I will place in the bulletin an understanding of each of the Seven and why they are important to the life of a Catholic.
God Bless you, Fr. Dan
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September 23, 2021
October is Respect Life Month
Each October, the Church celebrates Respect Life month. The sacredness and dignity of each and every human life is at the core of our Moral and Social teachings. The Church teaches that every human life (without exception) is of infinite dignity, value and worth because every human life is created in the Divine Image and Likeness and it was for each and every human being that Jesus Christ died on the Cross to win for them salvation; the forgiveness of sins and eternal life. While we usually associate this with the unborn; this teaching includes every human person from conception to natural death. At conception, we have a unique act of creation, with a unique set of human genetics and a unique human soul. But our respect for life doesn’t stop there. Everyone: man, woman and child, the young, elderly, sick, those who are vulnerable, those who are not like us, those with a physical, mental or psychological disability; those with whom we agree and those with whom we disagree, those who would call us enemy and wish us harm; we are called in faith to love as a Child of God who is made worthy by Incarnation and Death of Jesus for their salvation. This does not mean that we have to like everyone or what they do or say; we never are called to accept falsehood or sin. It does mean, however, that we MUST acknowledge the dignity of each human life without condition or reservation.
God Bless, Fr. Dan
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September 14, 2021
Mask Wearing:
In response to the Delta variant of the coronavirus and the CDC Guidelines that recommend a return to mask wearing indoors in our seven counties, Bishop Lucia is highly recommending mask wearing during Masses and during any indoor church related event. All Eucharistic ministers are asked to wear a mask during the distribution of the Eucharist and to use hand sanitizer prior to the distribution.
Please continue to maintain your practice of sanitizing spaces of worship. It no longer requires frequent sanitation, but should be sanitized once a day, particularly high touch surfaces (i.e. doorknobs, restroom, etc.)
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September 8, 2021
This weekend is HOPE Appeal Weekend! Together, when we pledge our gift to the Annual HOPE Appeal, we are giving thanks to Christ for the innumerable gifts we’ve been given and helping our friends and neighbors who benefit each year from the diocesan good works funded through our annual appeal.
Fr. Dan and Dc. John are asking all parishioners to contribute to this year’s HOPE Appeal. If we all give, we will easily meet St. Francis Xavier’s HOPE Appeal goal, which is our parish share of the support for HOPE Appeal-funded ministries, programs, and services. If we exceed our target, 100 percent of the excess will be returned directly to our parish. However, if we do not meet this goal, the shortfall will be taken from our general fund.
Thank you to everyone returning their HOPE Appeal pledge card this weekend! If you are still prayerfully considering your HOPE pledge, you may bring your completed pledge card to Mass next weekend or drop it by the parish office. You may also pledge your gift to our parish’s campaign online at www.syrdio.org.
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September 2, 2021
Remembering 9/11
I have no doubt that most of us can remember exactly where we were on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. It was a beautiful clear, September morning and I was at school celebrating the opening Mass for the school year. During the Mass the Principal came up to me as I was just getting ready to say the closing prayer; he silently told me that there had been a plane accident in New York City and asked if we could say a short prayer for all those involved; which I did. By the time the Mass had ended and we had begun the first period, it was obvious that something was terribly wrong. Wherever there was a television or radio, students, staff and faculty were intently listening in stunned silence as the horrific events of that day unfolded. Parents then began to call the school to come and take their child home. At the end of the day we gathered to plan how we, as a school, would unfold the rest of that week. By the time of the evening news, it was clear that something had happened that would change our lives forever. I remember that many people just naturally came to Church where we prayed and sat together for comfort. The next weekend, the Church, and all Churches were full, packed to capacity as we prayed for the victims, the first responders and all who were frightened or simply needed the assurance of faith. In those days, we were one people: without regard to denomination or faith, political affiliation or generation; we were “One Nation Under God.” Of course, in time, people began to get back to the business of living their lives, but nothing would be the same. It is my prayer that we always remember: not only the tragedy and loss of human life, but also the lesson of unity and the need to look past our differences, support and help each other and remember, that there is nothing that we cannot deal with as long as we do so together with our God as our support and guide.
God Bless,
Fr. Dan
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August 30, 2021
This year is the 20th anniversary of the tragic event of 9/11.
We would like to pay tribute to this tragic day with a display of American Flags “all over our yard” in front of the church. Our young adults heading to the National Catholic Youth Conference in November are sponsoring this fundraiser to recognize and remember 9/11.
Donation: $10.00 to sponsor a flag.
Please click here for more info and to access the order form.
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August 26, 2021
Bishop Lucia stated in his August 21st column: A reminder that although the leadership of the Catholic Church has voiced its concern over the potential use of cells from aborted fetuses, both Pope Francis and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, along with other Bishops’ Conferences, have maintained that it is, “morally permissible” to be vaccinated due to the severe public health risk and as a means to protect the vulnerable, i.e, children and adults with pre-existing health conditions. With this in mind, as Diocesan Bishop, I will not give a religious exemption to vaccination. However, I do hold the personal freedom of the individual to determine whether they receive or do not receive the immunization.
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